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Attendance Policy


Attendance Phone Line - 203-899-2940 EXT 9

Attendance at school is required by state law for all students under age sixteen. The primary responsibility for ensuring that such attendance takes place rests with the parents. Parents are responsible to contact the school office when their child is unable to attend school. If a child is absent and the school has not been notified by the parent, the school staff person will call the parent to notify the family the child has not come to school. A student who has been absent must, upon his/her return, bring a note to his/her classroom teacher indicating the dates of, and reasons for the absence. Without a written note or phone call, the student's absence will become an unexcused absence.

By state law, any student with four unexcused absences in any one-month is classified as a truant. Truancy, of course, requires referrals for administrative or social agency action.



What is an Excused Absence?

Below are some guidelines that we use for absences. Excused absences when accompanied by parental/guardian notification:

  • sickness
  • death in the family
  • religious observance/instruction
  • family emergency of short duration
  • medical/dental appointment (We strongly urge that appointments be made outside the school day.)



What are unexcused absences:

  • any absence without a phone call or note from parent/guardian
  • missing the school bus
  • car trouble or other problems getting to school regarding transportation
  • staying home to baby-sit
  • ·oversleeping
  • inclement weather
  • family vacations

In keeping with the philosophy that students need to maintain regular attendance at school, we strongly discourage families from scheduling any trips other than during the normal school vacations. If unusual circumstances arise, contact the principal.